Current and Upcoming Litters


Date of Birth: 2nd May 2019
*Yuka von Frechenhausen and *Jaegyr von der Weidenstrasse
*Yuka von Frechenhausen                                     *Jaegyr von der Weidenstrasse
     A+, AD, Angekoert f Life, V                                      A+, AD, BH, Angekoert 2020-21, V
Yuka is truly an amazing female and I treasure her zest for life, her attitude, her character and her lovingness. Unfortunately there are not many like her around anymore. Even if I mate her to a slightly weaker male in temperament, she will come through. She will compensate for any weaknesses a male might have. 
However, this time I used a male who is like her. Jaegyr is a Wasim son and boy oh boy is he a male. He looks at life as if it owes him. Very, very self-assured, a no nonsense dog with a deep protective instinct. What is so great about Jaegyr is his friendliness to visitors and especially children but he can switch to being an arrogant, don’t come near me or else dog. If he has to protect his family he will do it with everything he got. 
This is going to be a dynamite litter and not for the soft hearted. Although Yuka has not been scanned yet, she is pregnant and proudly shows it. Scanning will be done on the 4.4.2019. 
Bookings for 2 males and 1 female have been received.
Don’t miss out on this litter!

Date of Birth: 15th May 2019
Ukaya von der Weidenstrasse and *Matti Splitberg
Ukaya von der Weidenstrasse                                                              *Matti Splitberg             
                       A+, AD, BH, SG                                                        Normal, AD, BH, Angekoert 2020-2, V      
I am so thrilled about my upcoming litters. All of my upcoming litters are exciting combinations. Ukaya, my very large girl, who is so loving and affectionate has now been mated to the newly import from Croatia *Matti Splitberg.
What I love about Ukaya is that she is not corruptible, she is extremely loyal but not overly friendly to visitors. If she gets a chance, she will nip someone in the bum. She is a superb protection dogs. She is stand- offish to adults but not to children. She turns into a softie when children want to play with her.
Matti is like a wild and carefree youngster. Apart from being attractive and of correct size, he is also very masculine and has super color. His bite work is something to watch. He reminds me a bit of an adult who cannot shake off his teenage years.
This will be another exciting combination. 
Bookings are open!

Date of Birth: 17th May 2019
Koffee von der Weidenstrasse and *Kalinko von der Weidenstrasse
Koffee von der Weidenstrasse                            *Kalinko von der Weidenstrasse
                     A+, AD, BH, V                                             A+, AD, BH, Angekoert 2020-1, V
These two are coming from two of my best producing lines.  I am so happy that Kalinko is now of mating age and this is his first. He was a bit wary of Koffee as she is not very accommodating and it took him a while to understand what was asked of him. Luckily we managed and Koffee will be scanned next week (12.4.2019).Koffee is a very beautiful girl with super color and excellent movement. She most certainly has proven her breed value in her previous litters. She is passing on her beauty and she puts a definite stamp on her offsprings. Koffee can be quite aggro and you never know what she is up to. She is a very good protection dog. She is not particularly friendly to strangers.
Kalinko, however is a very jolly dog, lovely with people and children and not to forget to mention very good in playing with his best buddy Cuddles, the African Grey. His brother Komo is a superb herding dog and has recently walked with a calf through a small town.
Kalinko has an aptitude for working . He loves his obedience and bite work. Presently he is with me for preparation for the National Breed Show. He is never moody and always wants to please. He has a solid character and is a very good protection dog.
Koffee will be scanned on the 15.4.2019
Bookings are open!

Date of Birth: 27th May 2019
Chanell von der Weidenstrasse and H-Apache von der Weidenstrasse
Chanell von der Weidenstrasse                         H-Apache von der Weidenstrasse
A+, AD, V                                             A+, AD, BH, V
I can only say: Chanell my cheeky little thing! She is such a bundle of energy and full of mischief. It happens quite often when I sit at my computer table that she starts nipping and pushing me. The more I say No, the more she carries on. After that little stunt she goes back and lies on her sofa. Chanell does like to move for hours on end. She is not particularly interested in stranger and I guess that makes her an excellent protection dog. 
I am so so thankful that the owner Mr Bernd Schmidt made Apache available for stud. He is an amazing dog and goes back to one of the strongest bloodlines in South Africa – Wasko von Aducht. Unfortunately the bloodline is nearly extinct in South Africa and Apache is probably one of the few left. I cannot stop talking about his fantastic temperament, cool, calm, exceptionally strong in character, outstanding protection dog and very masculine. He is very hardy and I can only say a r e a l m a l e . I adore this male and wished I would be the owner. I am just thankful that Apache spends his holidays with me. Of course Apache is also very handsome as the photo shows.
This litter is for anyone who wants loyalty, strength and power apart from good looks!
Bookings are open!

Date of Birth: 2nd June 2019
Hachika von der Weidenstrasse and *Uther of Sharyleigh

Hachika von der Weidenstrasse                                                *Uther of Sharyleigh        
                        A+, AD, BH, V                                            A+, AD, BH, Angekoert for Life, V(NBS)
Hachika was a maiden and is now mated to Uther. Hachika is a Wasim daughter out of one of my top females *Wonja von Frechenhausen. Hachi is powerful, large with a beautiful head, dark mask and dark eyes. She is a bit of a naughty child. She cannot stop seeing my arms healing from her nipping wounds. She is determined my arms need to be full of scars. She loves to go into the show ring and has done very very well.
Since Hachika’s size has been criticised in the breed ring (she is too big) I have mated her to Uther who is of absolutely correct size. He is a happy dog, a great stud dog and loves life. He coped exceptionally well with Hachika although she tried to be difficult. I have used Uther before and I like what he is producing. The puppies are very playful and outgoing and grow into excellent family dogs. 
Bookings are open!