Stud Dogs


von der Weidenstrasse

Date of Birth: 19.08.2014
Tattoo Number: FM2811
Hip Grading: A+
Breed Grading: V(NBS)
AngekoertFor Life
Working qualifications: AD, BH, UPR 1, IPO 3
Sire: *Wodan vom Laerchenhain, AD, BH, SchH2, Angeoert f Life, VA(SA)
Dam: Gemma of Cadeau, A+, AD, V
Mr. Hennie Kotze of Centurion, Phone Number: 082 558 3858
Breed Survey
Breed Surveyor: Mr Heinz Scheerer (Germany)
An over medium sized, medium strong, expressive male. High wither, straight back. Slightly short croup. The upper arm should be longer and better angulated, correct hind angulation. Good chest proportions. Correct in front. Correct going and coming. Good, far-reaching gait. Drive, self-assurance and stress tolerance (TSB) pronounced; dog does not release.
Particular virtues and faults
An expressive, well pigmented male with a good topline.
Breeding Recommendations
Pay attention to correct length of the croup as well as length of the upper arm when selected breeding partners.
Dexton von der Weidenstrasse Show Resuslts 2015 / 2016

Mon Ami Show:                              1st Class 4
Momenta “No Frills” Show:        1st Class 4
Centurion Show:                            2nd Class 6
Momenta (2) Show:                      1st Class 6
Magalies Show:                              1st Class 6
Johannesburg Show:                     1st Class 6
Midrand Show:                               1st Class 8
                                  Phoenix Show:                                1st Class 8 & Breed Surveyed
National Breed Show:                   3rd Class 8
Centurion Show:                            4th Class 10
  Mon Ami Show:                              2nd Class 10


von der Weidenstrasse

Date of Birth:03.09.2014
Tattoo Number: FM2820
Hip Grading: A+
Breed Grading: V (excellent)
Angekoert 2017- 2018 – TSB pronounced
Working qualifications: AD, BH, UPR 1
Sire: *Wodan vom Laerchenhain, Normal, AD, BH, SchH 2, Angekoert f Life, VA(SA)
Dam: *Olympia von der Weidenstrasse, A-, AD, Angekoert 2017-2018, V
Mrs Stephanie du Toit of Bryanston, Phone Number 083 444 2888
Breed Survey
Breed Surveyor: Judge Rainer Mast (Germany)
A large, powerful and substantial male with good body proportions and good pigmentation. Powerful, masculine head, good expression. High wither, straight back. The croup should be slightly longer. Very good hind- and good forehand angulation. Balanced chest proportions. Correct in front. Correct going and coming. Powerful movement with good forward reach. Drive, self-assurance and stress tolerance (TSB) pronounce; dog does not release.
Particular virtues and faults
A powerful, substantial male with a good head.
Breeding recommendations
Suitable for all females, but consider size.


 von der Weidenstrasse

A+, AD, BH, IPO 1, Angekoert for Life,  TSB pronounced, VA(SA)Sire: *Quentin von der Baiertalerstrasse, Normal, AD,BH, Angekoert f Life, VA(SA)
Dam: Dixie von der Weidenstrasse, A+, AD, BH, V
Mrs. M. Davis of Northcliff, Phone Number: 082 852 0379
Breed Survey
An upper medium sized, medium strong and substantial male with correct body proportions and very good pigmentation. Very good, expressive head with a dark mask. High wither with a straight back. The croup is of the correct lay but could be slightly longer. Very good fore- and hind angulations. Correct in front. Slightly narrow going, correct coming. Balanced side gait wih good hind thrust and good forward reach. Drive, self-assurance and stress tolerance (TSB) pronounced, dog does not release.
NBS 2015
Class Winner Long Stock Hair Category SG 1
Critique-Judge:Erich Boesl
Large, powerful, very good type and expression. High wither. Good length and lay of the croup. Very good fore- and hind angulations, balanced chest proportions. Correct in front, correct coming and going. Good movement.
NBS 2016
Class Winner Long Stock Hair Category – VA(SA)
Herr Lothar Quoll – (Bundeszuchtwart – Germany)
An over medium sized, medium strong, substantial, dry, masculine dog with good body proportions. Expressive head with a dark mask and dark eyes.
High wither with a firm back. The croup is slightly steep. Very good forehand and hind angulations.
Balanced chest proportions.
Correct in front. Correct going and coming. Very good movement with powerful hind thrust and free forward reach.
TSB: Pronounced, dog releases. 4/5

NBS 2017 Class Winner Long Stock Hair Category – VA(SA)


Von der Weidenstrasse

Date of Birth: 27.1.2015
Tattoo Number: FM2878
Hip Grading: A+
Breed Grading: V(excellent), Angekoert 2018-2019
Working qualifications: AD, BH
Sire: *Wasim von der Weidenstrasse, A+, AD, BH, Angekoert 2017-2018, V
Dam: *Woxi von Frechenhausen, A+, AD, BH, Kkl. 1 for Life, VA(SA)
Breed Survey
Judge: Mrs Sonia van Kraayenburg


Von der Weidenstrasse 

Youth Sieger – National Breed Show 2014
Date of Birth: 13.08.2012,Tattoo Number: FM2520Hip Grading: A+Breed Grading:  V (excellent)
Angekoert 2017-2018
Working qualifications: AD, BH
Sire: *Paul vom Bierstadter Hof, Normal, Koerkl. 1 (for Life), BH, AD, VA, IPO3Dam: *Fanda von der Weidenstrasse, A+, Koerkl. 1 (for Life), AD, BH, V (NBS)
Breed Survey
Judge: Rudi Zimmermann
Description of General Appearance:
A very large, powerful, expressive male with a powerful, masculine head. High wither, straight back. The croup is of very good length and lay. Absolutely correct in front. Good forehand- and very good hind angulations. Good chest development and balance chest proportions.
Correct length of underchest. Slightly narrow going, correct coming. Powerful hind thrust with good forward reach and a balanced side gait.
Drive, self-assurance and stress tolerance (TSB) pronounced; dog releases.
Particular virtues and faults:
Very good overall body proportions. Very good pigmentation, dark eyes, Exudes masculinity.

Breeding Recommendations:
Consider size when choosing a breeding partner. Recommended for the correction of overall body proportions and improvement of the croup.